Liberal Democrats

Kay Barnard

Working For You

What is the E.U.?

This is Kay's summary of the E.U. as it currently functions:

The European Union is a group of independent counties which work together in much the same way as a "co-operative". There are now proposals for some of the core countries to join a closer union on financial and taxation affairs to support the currency, the Euro.

Kay's Views on the E.U.

"The big international issues such as the environment and fair world trade cannot be solved by Britain alone. We need to be part of a group of nations with a strong voice in the world. My business experience has shown that reform of the E.U. is urgently needed.

Read more: Kay's Views on the E.U.

Liberal Democrats in the European Union

The British Liberal Democrats are part of a large grouping of European liberal parties - the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, which has 68 MEPs in 20 Countries.

How the European Union works

There are three "power bases" in the European Union:

The Council of Ministers, which is where heads of government of each European Country meet. The Prime Minister, David Cameron represents the U.K. government as our Prime Minister at negotiations between heads o

Read more: How the European Union works

Europe Matters

The European Union is not someone else's project. Whether the E.U. works well or badly, it affects you in more ways than you probably realise. The achievements of peace, increasing prosperity and the spread of democracy across Europe have been extraordinary and should n

Read more: Europe Matters

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